Commercial Employers

Apply for an EPN requester account or access your current requester account.

Commercial employers can apply to the EPN program and manage EPN requests and reports online, saving you paper, postage and processing time.

Fast and Easy Pull Notice Management

Using the EPN online service is 10x faster than using paper. Instantly access your account. Effortlessly manage transactions. Receive returns overnight. Retain documents digitally and sustainably. Personalized and reliable support is available.


If you have an EPN online account, you can pay online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work? plus minus

Each employer enrolled in the EPN program is assigned a requester code, which is added to a roster of employee driver records. If an employee’s driver record is updated due to a reportable action or activity, and if a pull notice is on file, an updated driver record is generated and sent to the employer to make them aware.

Am I required to use the EPN online program? plus minus

The EPN online service has all the features of the traditional program, but saves you paper, postage and processing time. If you cannot use the online program, here are tips for continuing to use the paper program.

How to Enroll Drivers plus minus

Enroll drivers directly from your online EPN account dashboard.

If you don’t have online access, there are two different driver enrollment forms, depending on if the drivers have a California driver’s license (DL) or out-of-state DL: